The Art of Good Reasoning
Table, bowls, lollies and text, 110cm x 140cm x 140cm
The Art of Good Reasoning adapted statistical information, quotations and case studies from the 100 submissions to the Senate Legal and Constitutional References Committee for the Committees inquiry into the Human Rights (Mandatory Sentencing of Juvenile Offenders) Bill 1999. In a stark convenience store-style environment, the sweet
aroma of lollies enticed the viewer into the space. Each of the fifty-two bowls illustrated a statistic; with the volume of lollies representing that statistic in percentage terms. At the bottom of each bowl a case study or quote was present. In order to see this, the viewer often had to push the lollies in that bowl aside. The temptation to eat (steal) a lolly was further galvanized by this physical interaction with the lollies.